Monday, December 10, 2012

2012. how to: A holiday wrap with scoring board

 Happy Monday. I posted this cute holiday wrap over at facebook page. And got some positive feedback. So I decide it's time to challenge myself to share some how tos. I won't call it tutorial, as I know I am not a pro. I just love the spirit of sharing. heehee

哈囉 !希望大家快樂的星期一!! 那天在粉絲頁有po聖誕節的禮物包裝,然後決定來寫一個分享.不敢說是教學,但是拋磚引玉來分享. 呵呵 也為了這篇分享,我也畫了一張示意圖.但是我用的是美式的英吋,所以如果是使用公分的朋友們,還請大家自行斟酌使用囉. 首先把美編紙或是素色的卡紙,裁切成7.5'' X5''. 然後用折線板從橫的開始在0.5'' 1''英吋的地方折線,然後移到4'' 和4.5''的地方再次折線.
Here is my dimension.  Click on image to see the enlarge image. 
I cut the paper to 7.5'' X 5''.

And then I score the paper at 0.5'', 1'' and 4'' 4.5''horizontally.
When I am done, I turn my paper vertically.

And score again at 0.5''

When I am done with scoring. I make a few cuts on my paper according to the dotted line. Before you started to assemble this, you can use any shape of scissor or boarder punch to cut the top off to create some shapes.Then I apply glue on the side of first 0.5''. And also one the bottom. Then you can decorate this with any pattern paper or elements you desire.

You can use this little wrap for chocolate bar, cookies and even a bag of coffee for this holiday season. I hope this is a useful information.

完畢之後把紙張打直,然後在0.5''處折線,之後照著虛線的地方把紙剪開,之後可以用任何形狀的美編剪刀或是punch,把上面剪成自己喜歡的形狀.然後在最邊邊的0.5處用任何膠黏住,然後下面照著組裝盒子的方式黏住. 完成之後可以用任何的美編紙,緞帶或是其他素材作成裝飾.這個包裝不但可以用在聖誕節,生日或是任何節慶都可以使用了.報告完畢,希望大家會喜歡.

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