Tuesday, July 23, 2013

{A Layout} High tea

{A Layout} High tea

Before coloring. 上水彩之前

Background. 背景

Water color paper flowers. 上完色的紙花

I created this layout for a Facebook challenge hosting by my Taiwanese crafty friend. This time we need to create projects with paper flowers.
Wow. Paper flowers? I am not a flowers girl as you can see on many of my projects. I hardly ever used any paper flowers. So I thought this could be a good practice. HA!
Here is my project. I created the background using Peerless water color papers from Studio Calico. And then I also use the water color to color my white paper flowers from Close to my Heart. The rest of the pattern paper and embellishments I used here is a Noel Mignon kit. What a fun combo!

這次參加小孟在FB舉辦的撒花挑戰,剛看到這個主題的時後,不覺得我會參加,畢竟你在我的眾多作品中,很少看到這麼花露露的設計啊!但是我想身為手作人應該時時挑戰自己,讓自己去對抗自己的comfort zone一下,所以硬著頭皮拿出陳年的Close to my Heart 紙花跟Studio Calico 買的水彩紙,趁著空檔時間給這些白色的紙花上了顏色,而且也把水彩上在白色的AC卡紙上面當作背景色.然後剛好上次帶外甥女跟朋友們喝下午茶的照片就派上了用場。 其他的紙張和配件則是使用Noel Mignon的套裝組合。

-Valerie~ love life.

1 comment:

  1. Such a pretty page!! Love the water colors in the background and on the paper flowers!! :)
