
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

2012. December Daily Day 17

2012. December Daily Day 17

Finally remember to snap our stockings. ^^
The left one is hubby's stocking. It made by my dear MIL back when he was a kid. Super priceless. The middle one is Doggis's. we can't put anything in her stocking before December 25th. Because when she smells it she will bark at it. lol
The right one is mine, of course. I am a big fan of snowman.

終於記得要拍我們的聖誕襪了。左邊的是老公的,是他小時候婆婆手工作的,非常無價的。中間的是小煤炭的,但是我們沒辦法放東西進去,因為她要是聞到,會一直叫,想要看她的禮物。哈哈 右邊的是我,是我最愛的QQ雪人。明天要把這些聖誕襪帶回東岸了,不知道我們的聖誕老公公要給我們什麼驚喜。

Valerie~Love life.


  1. Your stockings are adorable, I love the dog! And awesome job of keeping up with your DD! I tried to start, but got a little stressed about keeping up/printing photos so I decided to do my holiday album in the new year :)

  2. Michelle:
    Thank you for your comment. :) I've been printing my photos for my PL at home since the end of last year. I found this is easier for me to keep my project up and it's been working great for me. That's why I can continue my DD on a daily basis. :p
