
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

{A Layout} Sweet Moment

 {A Layout} Sweet Moment

Had some chance to snap some photos for my niece and the dog in our backyard. Love what I captured for them. Isn't this image super sweet? Love this one so much. I also used many different collections from different companies, such as October Afternoon, Crate Paper, Studio Calico, Fancy Pants and Freckled Fawn. Loving the result here.

And here are some close ups. Love to play with all these yummy embllies.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

{A Layout} High tea

{A Layout} High tea

Before coloring. 上水彩之前

Background. 背景

Water color paper flowers. 上完色的紙花

I created this layout for a Facebook challenge hosting by my Taiwanese crafty friend. This time we need to create projects with paper flowers.
Wow. Paper flowers? I am not a flowers girl as you can see on many of my projects. I hardly ever used any paper flowers. So I thought this could be a good practice. HA!
Here is my project. I created the background using Peerless water color papers from Studio Calico. And then I also use the water color to color my white paper flowers from Close to my Heart. The rest of the pattern paper and embellishments I used here is a Noel Mignon kit. What a fun combo!

這次參加小孟在FB舉辦的撒花挑戰,剛看到這個主題的時後,不覺得我會參加,畢竟你在我的眾多作品中,很少看到這麼花露露的設計啊!但是我想身為手作人應該時時挑戰自己,讓自己去對抗自己的comfort zone一下,所以硬著頭皮拿出陳年的Close to my Heart 紙花跟Studio Calico 買的水彩紙,趁著空檔時間給這些白色的紙花上了顏色,而且也把水彩上在白色的AC卡紙上面當作背景色.然後剛好上次帶外甥女跟朋友們喝下午茶的照片就派上了用場。 其他的紙張和配件則是使用Noel Mignon的套裝組合。

-Valerie~ love life.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

A summer layout using Gossamer Blue's July kit

{A Layout: Summer}

Quickly sharing a layout with you using Gossamer Blue's July kit.
This month's kit is probably one of y favorite month, it fills with tons of fabulous summery colors and embellishments and they just make me so very happy.

I am still scrapping photos from our Tahiti trip. Even it's not summer there when we visited, but it's always nice to be able to soak up the sun and only wear flip flops over there. lol

I am also using water color papers to give my white cardstock a little bit of colors to start with. Aren't they looking so fun?  Love the result.

Please stop by Gossamer Blue's blog to see different challenges and awesome projects creating by their design team members. TFL.

Monday, July 8, 2013

(Altered project) Tahiti Printer's tray

 (Altered project) Tahiti Printer's tray

Hi there:
Happy Monday. Like I mentioned in my last blog post, this summer is going to be crazy with my niece visiting us from Taiwan. But I do manage to steal some craft time while she is napping or doing other things. lol 
Ever since we got back from Tahiti, I just couldn't help but wanting to go back. So I decided to printed some of my favorite photos from this trip and made a printer's tray with them. Now I hang the tray in my craft space so I can see them when I am in there. Yay!

The collection I am using here is still my favorite summer/travel related collection The Pier by Crate Paper

And here are some close ups. TFL.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Love to Scrap challeng: Anything goes.

{A Layout: Totally awesome}

Hello all:
Happy Monday and welcome to another brand new Love To Scrap challenge. And this is our 9th challenge and its Anything Goes! You can use ANY rubber stamps for your projects.

I am so sad to announce this challenge will be my last challenge as a team member. This summer we have so many guests visiting us from Taiwan and my in laws too. I am very excited but this also means the life here will be hectic. So I need to take a break for now. But I'd love to participate in their awesome challenges in the future when I have time to scrap. :p

Our wonderful sponsor this time is  The Crafting Boutique And the prize is $10 shopping spree at The store.

I made this layout using the Funky Town kit from Scraptastic kit club. Love love this awesome masculine theme related products in this kit. Perfect for my mustached guy. lol

And hope to see your creations.